Did you know that you can improve your appearance by changing what you eat?
Learn which foods are best for your hair, skin, and smile. Your appearance is great marker of your overall health, and good nutrition assures the best possible environment for enhancing your appearance. Making certain diet changes can help your hair grow shiny and strong or help turn back the clock on aging skin. Luckily, foods that help your appearance are also good for your body!

Blueberries. They're rich is antioxidants that protect your skin and hair from damaging UV radiation.

Brazil nuts. They contain selenium, which your body uses to produce a protein that helps promote healthy hair and skin.

Salmon. It's a good source of omega-3 fatty acids which prevent dry skin and hair.

Spinach. It's packed with both vitamins A and C, which the body converts to sebum, a natural conditioner produced by hair follicles.

Kidney beans. They're full of protein, which promotes healthy hair growth.

Eggs. They're a great source of B-12, which is essential to healthy hair and skin.
Oysters. They're not only an aphrodisiac, they also contain the antioxidant zinc, which is crucial to health hair and skin.

Green tea. It not only serves an an all natural zero-calorie energy drink, it's also full of polyphenols that help prevent skin inflammation and irritation.

Yogurt. Calcium is important for healthy hair as well as strong bones.

Cereal. Even the worst kids' cereals are fortified with iron, a mineral key to healthy skin and hair.
According to the Vitamins and Nutrition Center, several supplements, including vitamin B-complex, vitamin B-6, vitamin C with bioflavonoids, and beta-carotene are also great for healthy hair and skin


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